Record 30

Mobile digital mixtape

Record 30

Mobile digital mixtape



The pandemic has isolated lots of people and has made important milestones hard to celebrate. The distance and risk has made it difficult to connect with loved ones. How do we make someone virtually feel close to the people they love? How do you collaborate to make someone’s day?


Concept Surveys: 15
Usability Tests: 5
Design Iterations: 2
Content Surveys: 73

Developped a mobile website that works as digital mixtape and collection of birthday wishes.

Created playlists according to area of a life to record 30 years of life for a birthday surprise.

Used music and nostalgia to connect people and allowed people of all ages to participate.

Made the best birthday present ever!

My role

This was a solo project that was build and gifted as a birthday present. I prepared and conducted the interviews as well as the usability tests. 

I created the first iteration but it was too complex for me to build it on my own. I simplified the interface and navigation on the second design iteration and build it on webflow. 

In addition I send out surveys and collected data from over 70 people to create the content of the digital mixetape.


6 weeks design sprint


I created a collaborative digital mixetape with 6 playlists and over 70 participants. The mixetape allowed people from everywhere to participate safely to a birthday surprise while in the middle of a pandemic.


Figma, Figjam, Mirror, Maze, Excel, Webflow

Record 30

Look at the website
on your phone!

Survey about Musique


Clean aesthetic, clean navigation.

Survey collecting info


First Design Iteration

Promotional website for the app